May 6, 2024

Level Up

What would it look like if we all pursued our mission with everything we have? In this series, we'll learn how living out our mission can move each of us closer to the plan God has for our lives.
April 1, 2024

Habits Of A Healthy Heart

In this series, we'll take a deep breath, make space for God, and allow Him to work in our lives.
February 20, 2023

We Are The Church

What does it mean to BE the church in the year 2023? We believe the church isn’t a building—it’s people. And when each of those people knows who they are and what they believe, they can achieve incredible things together.
January 5, 2023


Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in this timely message series. 
November 21, 2022


Do we want to live in a way that serves us, or do we want live in a way that makes a difference in the world? One tiny seed planted today can produce a harvest in the future.  How do YOU want to live?
January 24, 2022

I’m In

We are ALL invited to something much bigger than we are individually.  In this series, we'll learn who we are in Christ and the difference we can make through Christ's power inside us.
May 17, 2020

There Is A Reason

Has the weight of pain and suffering ever caused you to ask, "What's the point?"  You're not alone.  No one likes to be there. There is a reason!