Jesus says He came so that we could have life - ABUNDANTLY! But many of us don't quite get there. How do we live an INTENTIONAL life that actively pursues the life Jesus wants for us?
In this series, we'll look at who we are as individuals and who we are as a church. We are all called to be BETTER, to soar HIGHER, and to grow STRONGER.
What does it REALLY mean when Jesus says, "I Am?" Who is He, and why is it important for us to know Him? Can who we are really be affected by who He is? In this series, we'll dig into the question, "Who is I Am?"
Joy. Sadness. Anger. Compassion. God has given each of us the capacity to feel deeply. And when we can better process our powerful emotions, we can start to understand how He will use them for His good.
What does your BEST life look like? Do most of us even know where to start? We look around and we see everyone else living THEIR best life. We try, we seek, we fail. How do we live our best life? Â
Wow! 2021! We've been waiting for it with our collective breath held. And we want to start the new year off right. Join us for an inspiring message on the topic of prayer.Â
As we come to the end of a VERY trying year, we long to experience the true THRILL of hope that is promised to each of us. This Christmas, we'll discuss the only viable answer to the weariness this world can bring.