August 26, 2024


As followers of Jesus, we're called to look different than everyone else. Sometimes we have to proofread our lives and make some edits so that we can live out our true calling as disciples of Jesus.
July 29, 2024


In this series, we'll explore real life and learn how we can all move from the shallow end into a DEEPER relationship with Jesus.
November 28, 2022


Jesus wasn't really the savior people had been hoping for.  But sometimes, the best gifts are the ones that are completely UNEXPECTED.
November 21, 2022


Do we want to live in a way that serves us, or do we want live in a way that makes a difference in the world? One tiny seed planted today can produce a harvest in the future.  How do YOU want to live?
October 31, 2022

One Minute After You Die

The questions we have about life after death—Is there a heaven? Am I good enough? What if I’m not?—can leave us wondering. But that doesn’t mean we have to live in fear. Discover why our ideas of life after death could change everything in One Minute After You Die, a three-part message series.
October 3, 2022

Because … GOD

How can we make sure that we are living our lives in a way that gives God those things He deserves?  In this series, we'll learn what it means to give our best praise, glory, worship, and honor to God in all that we do.
August 29, 2022

No Offense

From the latest headline to social media comments, to the person who just cut you off in traffic—there are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to respond differently to those around us? Together, let’s learn how to live with No Offense.
August 15, 2022


In this series, we’ll be reminded that calling isn’t as much about “what” as it is “who.” In order to discover God’s true calling on our lives, we need to focus less on what we’re doing and more on what we’re becoming: fully devoted followers of Christ.
July 11, 2022

What’s In A Name

The names of God carry meaning and they carry weight. In this message series, we'll discover what some of God's names mean FOR US, and how we can use them to shape our perception of who God really is.