Most of us realize that there are no free rides in this life. But do we have that same mindset when we consider our walk with Jesus? In this series, we'll find out how we can supercharge our walk with Jesus.
Every year, it seems like we drag ourselves into the Christmas Season. In this series, we'll learn the secret to planting Christmas in our hearts, our minds, and our souls.
Everything old is new again. In this series, we're taking some time to go a little "Old School" by exploring God's character through the lens of the Old Testament. God revealed Himself to His original covenant people in such amazing ways, and He reveals Himself to us just the same today.
When you know who you are, you'll know what to do. But who do you see in the mirror? A masterpiece or a mess? A struggler or a survivor? Find out what God says about you in, Who Do You Think You Are?
The love we normally think about is based on emotions, warm fuzzies, butterflies, and things that soon fade. When those things fade, does our love fade, too? In this series, we'll take a look at REAL LOVE and discover how we can have that kind of love in our lives.
We are ALL invited to something much bigger than we are individually. In this series, we'll learn who we are in Christ and the difference we can make through Christ's power inside us.
In this three-part series, we’ll see how a few small habits can change how you see yourself today and can transform you into the person you want to be tomorrow.