March 13, 2023

Love Like Jesus

There’s so much pain and hurt in the world, sometimes it's hard to see anything else. But what if, when we looked around, all we saw was love? The greatest sacrifice in history shows us how to make it happe
January 5, 2023


Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in this timely message series. 
August 29, 2022

No Offense

From the latest headline to social media comments, to the person who just cut you off in traffic—there are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to respond differently to those around us? Together, let’s learn how to live with No Offense.
August 15, 2022


In this series, we’ll be reminded that calling isn’t as much about “what” as it is “who.” In order to discover God’s true calling on our lives, we need to focus less on what we’re doing and more on what we’re becoming: fully devoted followers of Christ.
February 21, 2022


How do we navigate our faith in a world that doesn't seem to care?  How do we continue to spread light in a dark world?  How do we remain the people God calls us to be?  It's simple - we keep WALKING.
January 24, 2022

I’m In

We are ALL invited to something much bigger than we are individually.  In this series, we'll learn who we are in Christ and the difference we can make through Christ's power inside us.
April 27, 2021

Hope In The Dark

When life hits hard, it plunges us into a sea of questions. But when you're struggling to find answers, there's a beacon in the storm.
April 6, 2021

Greater Reward

Discover how to let go of the status quo and stay focused on who God says you are and what He wants for your life.
February 9, 2020

The Grudge

In this series, we look at getting over the little things, forgiving the HUGE things, reconciling our grudges against God, and forgiving ourselves.