
June 30 - July 28, 2024

Many of us don’t realize the importance of the people we choose to surround ourselves with. Our friends determine the quality and direction of our lives. In "Friending," learn how good friends (and bad friends) can impact your feelings, your relationship with God, and your future. Use this series to create a strong foundation for new, Godly friendships in your church community. 



July 28, 2024

We've been talking alot about the friends we have in our lives and how they can impact our faith and relationship with Jesus. But sometimes we have to draw the line. Sometimes we have to let go of people who might not be the best for us. Join us this week as we finish our series "Friending."

Dave Darling

One Community Away

July 14, 2024

As we've learned. our individual, one-on-one relationships can shape who we are and help determine our future. But our community is equally important. The groups and social circles we belong to can be extremely influential to who we are. More importantly, they can make or break our walk with Jesus. How? Join us this week to find out.

Harmony Reichert

One Friend Away

July 7, 2024

If it's true that looking at our friend circle gives us a view into our future then we also have to realize that NOT ALL FRIENDS are created equal. But so many times, we stay where we are when that ONE person who might be just THE FRIEND we need is just around the corner. Join us this week as we discover how to find that ONE.

Dave Darling

Foundation Of Friendship

June 30, 2024

We are all greatly influenced by the people we hang out with. Sometimes, this can be an amazing benefit in our lives. But other times, weellll - Peer pressure much? This week, we're starting a new series where we'll dig deep into the people and relationships in our lives to see if we're on the right track.

Harmony Reichert